AB150-engrossed,1902,2418 218.01 (3) (a) 24. Being a manufacturer, importer or distributor who fails to
19comply with the procedures in sub. (3x) regarding a dealer's request for approval of
20a change of ownership or executive management, transfer of its dealership assets to
21another person, adding another franchise at the same location as its existing
22franchise, or relocation of a franchise or who fails to comply with an order of the office
23of the commissioner of transportation
division of hearings and appeals issued under
24sub. (3x).
AB150-engrossed, s. 5870 25Section 5870. 218.01 (3) (a) 36. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
1218.01 (3) (a) 36. a. Fails to notify the department of transportation of any
2revision or addition to an agreement as required under sub. (2) (bd) 1.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5871 3Section 5871. 218.01 (3) (a) 36. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1903,64 218.01 (3) (a) 36. b. Fails to revise or remove portions of an agreement that the
5department of transportation declares to contain provisions which are inconsistent
6with sub. (2) (bm).
AB150-engrossed, s. 5872 7Section 5872. 218.01 (3) (bf) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1903,168 218.01 (3) (bf) 1. The department of transportation shall not license as a dealer
9an applicant for the sale of motor vehicles at retail unless such applicant owns or
10leases a vehicle display lot and a permanent building wherein there are facilities to
11display automobiles and motorcycles and facilities to repair functional and
12nonfunctional parts of motor vehicles and where replacement parts, repair tools and
13equipment to service motor vehicles are kept, and at which place of business shall
14be kept and maintained the books, records and files necessary to conduct the
15business. A residence, tent or temporary stand is not a sufficiently permanent place
16of business within the meaning of this paragraph.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5873 17Section 5873. 218.01 (3) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1903,2418 218.01 (3) (c) 3. Matters involving suspensions or revocations brought before
19the department of transportation shall be heard and decided upon by the division of
20hearings and appeals. If the department of transportation requests the division of
21hearings and appeals to hear a matter brought before the department of
under subd. 2., the division of hearings and appeals shall hear and
23decide the matter within 30 days after the date of the department's department of
AB150-engrossed, s. 5874 25Section 5874. 218.01 (3) (f) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
1218.01 (3) (f) 1. A manufacturer, importer or distributor who seeks to enter into
2a franchise agreement establishing or relocating a motor vehicle dealership, parts
3outlet or service outlet within the relevant market area of an existing enfranchised
4dealer of the line make of motor vehicle shall first notify in writing the department
5of transportation and each such existing enfranchised dealer of its intention to
6establish or relocate a dealership or outlet. Within 30 days of receiving the notice or
7within 30 days after the end of any appeal procedure provided by the manufacturer,
8importer or distributor, whichever is later, any existing enfranchised dealer of the
9same line make to whom the manufacturer, importer or distributor is required to give
10notice under this subdivision may file with the department of transportation and the
11division of hearings and appeals a complaint protesting the proposed establishment
12or relocation of the dealership or outlet within the relevant market area of the
13existing enfranchised dealer. If a complaint is filed, the department of
shall inform the manufacturer, importer or distributor that a timely
15complaint has been filed, that a hearing is required, and that the proposed franchise
16agreement may not be entered into until the division of hearings and appeals has
17held a hearing, nor thereafter, if the division of hearings and appeals determines that
18there is good cause for not permitting the proposed establishment or relocation of the
19dealership or outlet. In the event of multiple complaints, hearings shall be
20consolidated to expedite the disposition of the issue.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5875 21Section 5875. 218.01 (3) (fm) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1905,922 218.01 (3) (fm) 1. A manufacturer or distributor may not modify a motor vehicle
23dealer agreement during the term of the agreement or upon its renewal if the
24modification substantially and adversely affects the motor vehicle dealer's rights,
25obligations, investment or return on investment without giving 60 days written

1notice of the proposed modification to the motor vehicle dealer unless the
2modification is required by law, court order or the licensor. Within the 60-day notice
3period the motor vehicle dealer may file with the department of transportation and
4the division of hearings and appeals and serve upon the respondent a complaint for
5a determination of whether there is good cause for permitting the proposed
6modification. The division of hearings and appeals shall promptly schedule a
7hearing and decide the matter. Multiple complaints pertaining to the same proposed
8modification shall be consolidated for hearing. The proposed modification may not
9take effect pending the determination of the matter.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5876 10Section 5876. 218.01 (3) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1905,1411 218.01 (3) (g) Any person in interest aggrieved by a decision of the division of
12hearings and appeals may have a review thereof as provided in ch. 227 or aggrieved
13by an order of the commissioner division of banking may have a review thereof as
14provided in s. 220.037.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5877 15Section 5877. 218.01 (3) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1905,2116 218.01 (3) (h) In addition to the licensor's authority to deny, suspend or revoke
17a license under this section, the commissioner division of banking, after public
18hearing, may issue a special order enjoining any licensee from engaging in any act
19or practice which is determined by the commissioner division of banking to be in
20violation of any provision of par. (a), and the division of hearings and appeals may
21be petitioned to issue such a special order after notice and hearing thereon.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5878 22Section 5878. 218.01 (3a) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1905,2423 218.01 (3a) (title) When department to revoke Revocation of license of
24dealer, distributor, manufacturer, or transporter.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5879 25Section 5879. 218.01 (3a) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1218.01 (3a) (a) If a dealer, distributor or manufacturer is convicted under s.
2341.55 (1) a second or subsequent time within the same registration year, the
3department of transportation shall revoke the license of such dealer, distributor or
4manufacturer for a period not to exceed one year. For the purposes of this paragraph,
5the conviction of the employe of a dealer, distributor or manufacturer shall be
6counted as a conviction of the employer.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5880 7Section 5880. 218.01 (3a) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1906,108 218.01 (3a) (b) If a transporter is convicted under s. 341.55 (3) a 2nd or
9subsequent time within the same license period, the department of transportation
10shall revoke the license of such transporter for a period not to exceed one year.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5881 11Section 5881. 218.01 (3a) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1906,1712 218.01 (3a) (c) A dealer, distributor, manufacturer or transporter whose license
13has been revoked shall forthwith surrender its registration plates to a traffic officer
14or peace officer designated by the department of transportation. A dealer,
15distributor, manufacturer or transporter who fails to return the plates as required
16by this subsection may be fined not more than $200 or imprisoned not more than 6
17months or both.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5882 18Section 5882. 218.01 (3c) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1907,919 218.01 (3c) (c) If a manufacturer, factory branch or distributor believes it has
20good cause for refusing to honor the succession to the ownership and operation of a
21dealership by a family member of a deceased or incapacitated dealer under the
22existing franchise agreement, such manufacturer, factory branch or distributor may,
23within 30 days of receipt of notice of the designated family member's intent to
24succeed the dealer in the ownership and operation of the dealership, serve upon such
25designated family member and the department of transportation notice of its refusal

1to honor the succession and of its intent to discontinue the existing franchise
2agreement with the dealership no sooner than 60 days from the date such notice is
3served. Such notice shall state the specific grounds for the refusal to honor the
4succession and the discontinuance of the franchise agreement. If no notice of such
5refusal and discontinuance is timely served upon the family member and
6department of transportation, or if the division of hearings and appeals rules in favor
7of the complainant in a hearing held under par. (d), the franchise agreement shall
8continue in effect subject to termination only in the manner prescribed in this
AB150-engrossed, s. 5883 10Section 5883. 218.01 (3c) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1908,411 218.01 (3c) (d) Any designated family member who receives a notice of the
12manufacturer's, factory branch's or distributor's refusal to honor his or her
13succession to the ownership and operation of the dealership may, within the 60-day
14notice period, serve on the respondent and file in triplicate with the division of
15hearings and appeals a verified complaint for a hearing and determination by the
16division of hearings and appeals on whether good cause exists for such refusal and
17discontinuance. The division of hearings and appeals shall forward a copy of the
18complaint to the department of transportation. The manufacturer, factory branch
19or distributor shall have the burden of establishing good cause for such refusal by
20showing that the succession would be detrimental to the public interest or to the
21representation of the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor. The franchise
22agreement shall continue in effect until the final determination of the issues raised
23in such complaint. If the complainant prevails he or she shall have a cause of action
24against the defendant for reasonable expenses and attorney fees incurred in such
25matter. If the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor prevails, the division of

1hearings and appeals shall include in its order approving the termination of the
2franchise agreement such conditions as are reasonable and adequate to afford the
3complainant an opportunity to receive fair and reasonable compensation for the
4value of the dealership.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5884 5Section 5884. 218.01 (3x) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1908,176 218.01 (3x) (b) 1. If a motor vehicle dealer's agreement with an affected grantor
7requires the grantor's prior approval of an action proposed to be undertaken by the
8dealer under this subsection, a dealer may not voluntarily change its ownership or
9executive management, transfer its dealership assets to another person, add another
10franchise at the same location as its existing franchise or relocate a franchise without
11giving prior written notice of the proposed action to the affected grantor and to the
12department of transportation. Within 20 days after receiving the notice, the affected
13grantor may serve the dealer with a written list of the information not already known
14or in the possession of the grantor that is reasonably necessary in order for the
15grantor to determine whether the proposed action should be approved. The grantor
16shall, in good faith, confirm in writing to the dealer the date on which it has received
17from the dealer or from other sources all the information specified on the list.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5885g 18Section 5885g. 218.01 (3x) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1909,919 218.01 (3x) (b) 2. An affected grantor who does not approve of the proposed
20action shall, within 30 days after receiving the dealer's written notice of the proposed
21action or within 30 days after receiving all the information specified in a written list
22served on the dealer under subd. 1., whichever is later, file with the department and
23serve upon the dealer a written statement of the reasons for its disapproval. The
24reasons given for the disapproval or any explanation of those reasons by the
25manufacturer, distributor or importer shall not subject the manufacturer,

1distributor or importer to any civil liability unless the reasons given or explanations
2made are malicious and published with the sole intent to cause harm to the dealer
3or a transferee of the dealer. Failure to file and serve a statement within the
4applicable period shall, notwithstanding the terms of any agreement, constitute
5approval of the proposed action by the grantor. If an affected grantor files a written
6statement within the applicable period, the dealer may not voluntarily undertake
7the proposed action unless it receives an order permitting it to do so from the office
8of the commissioner of transportation
division of hearings and appeals under par. (c)
AB150-engrossed, s. 5885m 10Section 5885m. 218.01 (3x) (b) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin
11Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
AB150-engrossed,1910,212 218.01 (3x) (b) 2. An affected grantor who does not approve of the proposed
13action shall, within 30 days after receiving the dealer's written notice of the proposed
14action or within 30 days after receiving all the information specified in a written list
15served on the dealer under subd. 1., whichever is later, file with the department of
16transportation and serve upon the dealer a written statement of the reasons for its
17disapproval. The reasons given for the disapproval or any explanation of those
18reasons by the manufacturer, distributor or importer shall not subject the
19manufacturer, distributor or importer to any civil liability unless the reasons given
20or explanations made are malicious and published with the sole intent to cause harm
21to the dealer or a transferee of the dealer. Failure to file and serve a statement within
22the applicable period shall, notwithstanding the terms of any agreement, constitute
23approval of the proposed action by the grantor. If an affected grantor files a written
24statement within the applicable period, the dealer may not voluntarily undertake

1the proposed action unless it receives an order permitting it to do so from the division
2of hearings and appeals under par. (c) 2.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5886d 3Section 5886d. 218.01 (3x) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1910,114 218.01 (3x) (b) 3. A dealer who is served with a written statement by an affected
5grantor under subd. 2 may file with the department and the office of the
6commissioner of transportation
division of hearings and appeals and serve upon the
7affected grantor a complaint for the determination of whether there is good cause for
8permitting the proposed action to be undertaken. The office of the commissioner of
division of hearings and appeals shall promptly schedule a hearing
10and decide the matter. The proposed action may not be undertaken pending the
11determination of the matter.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5886g 12Section 5886g. 218.01 (3x) (b) 3. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin
13Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
AB150-engrossed,1910,2014 218.01 (3x) (b) 3. A dealer who is served with a written statement by an affected
15grantor under subd. 2. may file with the department of transportation and the
16division of hearings and appeals and serve upon the affected grantor a complaint for
17the determination of whether there is good cause for permitting the proposed action
18to be undertaken. The division of hearings and appeals shall promptly schedule a
19hearing and decide the matter. The proposed action may not be undertaken pending
20the determination of the matter.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5886j 21Section 5886j. 218.01 (3x) (c) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1910,2422 218.01 (3x) (c) 1. (intro.) In determining if there is good cause for permitting
23a proposed action to be undertaken, the office of the commissioner of transportation
24division of hearings and appeals may consider any relevant factor including:
AB150-engrossed, s. 5886m 25Section 5886m. 218.01 (3x) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
1218.01 (3x) (c) 2. The decision of the office of the commissioner of
division of hearings and appeals shall be in writing and shall contain
3findings of fact and a determination of whether there is good cause for permitting the
4proposed action to be undertaken. The decision shall include an order that the dealer
5be allowed or is not allowed to undertake the proposed action, as the case may be.
6The order may require fulfillment of appropriate conditions before and after the
7proposed action is undertaken.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5887 8Section 5887. 218.01 (5) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1911,179 218.01 (5) (b) 1. The commissioner division of banking, department of
and division of hearings and appeals shall have the power in hearings
11arising under this chapter to determine the place, in this state, where they shall be
12held; to subpoena witnesses and documents; to take and permit the taking of
13depositions of witnesses residing in or outside of this state and to otherwise permit
14the discovery and preservation of evidence before hearing, in the manner provided
15for in civil actions in courts of record; to pay such witnesses the fees and mileage for
16their attendance as is provided for witnesses in civil actions in courts of record; and
17to administer oaths.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5888 18Section 5888. 218.01 (5) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1912,619 218.01 (5) (b) 3. A person providing information under this paragraph may
20request that the information be designated as a trade secret, as defined in s. 134.90
21(1) (c), or as confidential business information. The commissioner, division of
22hearings and appeals or licensor shall approve the designation if the person
23providing the information demonstrates that the release of the information would
24adversely affect the person's competitive position. At least 15 days before any
25information designated as a trade secret or as confidential business information is

1disclosed to any other person, the commissioner, division of hearings and appeals or
2licensor shall notify the person providing the information. The person providing the
3information may seek a court order limiting or prohibiting the disclosure. In such
4cases, the court shall weigh the need for confidentiality of the information against
5the public interest in disclosure. Confidentiality is waived if the person providing
6the information consents in writing to disclosure.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5889 7Section 5889. 218.01 (6) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1912,238 218.01 (6) (b) (intro.) Prior to or concurrent with any instalment sale, the seller
9shall deliver to the buyer a written statement describing clearly the motor vehicle
10sold to the buyer, the cash sale price, the cash paid down by the buyer, the amount
11credited the buyer for any trade-in and a description of the trade-in, the cost to the
12retail buyer of any insurance, the amount financed which may include the cost of
13insurance, sales and use taxes, the amount of the finance charge, the amount of any
14other charge specifying its purpose, the total of payments due from the buyer, the
15terms of the payment of such total, the amount and date of each payment necessary
16finally to pay the total and a summary of any insurance coverage to be effected. The
17commissioner division of banking may determine the form of the statement. If a
18written order is taken from a prospective purchaser in connection with any
19instalment sale, the written statement shall be given to the purchaser prior to or
20concurrent with the signing of the order by the purchaser. The finance charge in a
21retail instalment sale made prior to April 6, 1980, however computed, excluding the
22cost of insurance shall not exceed the amount computed on the basis of the following
23annual percentage rates:
AB150-engrossed, s. 5890 24Section 5890. 218.01 (6) (em) of the statutes is amended to read:
1218.01 (6) (em) In event the dealer shall finance the instalment sale contract,
2the commissioner division of banking may permit the dealer to combine the
3information required by pars. (b) and (e) last above in one statement under such rules
4and regulations as the commissioner division of banking may from time to time
AB150-engrossed, s. 5891 6Section 5891. 218.01 (7a) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1913,157 218.01 (7a) (a) A motor vehicle may not be offered for sale by any motor vehicle
8dealer or motor vehicle salesperson unless the mileage on the motor vehicle is
9disclosed in writing by the transferor on the certificate of title or on a form authorized
10by the department of transportation to reassign the title to the dealer and the
11disclosure is subsequently shown to the retail purchaser by the dealer or salesperson
12prior to sale. The department of transportation may promulgate rules to exempt
13types of motor vehicles from this mileage disclosure requirement and shall
14promulgate rules for making the disclosure requirement on a form other than the
15certificate of title.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5892 16Section 5892. 218.01 (7a) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1913,2317 218.01 (7a) (b) It shall be unlawful for any motor vehicle dealer or motor vehicle
18salesperson to fail to provide, upon request of a prospective purchaser, the name and
19address of the most recent titled owner and of all subsequent nontitled owners,
20unless exempted from this requirement by rule of the department of transportation,
21of any motor vehicle offered for sale. If the most recent titled owner of the motor
22vehicle is the motor vehicle dealer, the dealer or salesperson shall also provide the
23name and address of the previous titled owner.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5893 24Section 5893. 218.01 (7b) of the statutes is amended to read:
1218.01 (7b) Purchase of motor vehicle by minor. No minor shall purchase any
2motor vehicle unless the minor, at the time of purchase, submits to the seller a
3statement verified before a person authorized to administer oaths and made and
4signed by either parent of the purchaser, if such parent has custody of the minor or,
5if neither parent has custody, then by the person having custody, setting forth that
6the purchaser has consent to purchase the vehicle. The signature on the statement
7shall not impute any liability for the purchase price of the motor vehicle to the
8consenting person. The statement shall not adversely affect any other arrangement
9for the assumption of liability for the purchase price which the consenting person
10may make. The signed statement shall accompany the application for a certificate
11of title and shall be filed by the department of transportation with the application.
12Failure to obtain the consent or to forward it with the application for a certificate of
13title shall not void the contract of sale of a motor vehicle in the hands of an innocent
14holder, without notice, for value and in the ordinary course of business. Any person
15who sells a motor vehicle to a minor with knowledge of such fact without procuring
16such a statement may be fined not more than $200 or imprisoned not more than 6
17months or both.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5893g 18Section 5893g. 218.01 (7m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1915,319 218.01 (7m) (a) A licensee may not file a complaint or petition with the office
20of the commissioner of transportation
division of hearings and appeals or bring an
21action under sub. (9) (a), based on an alleged violation of this section by any other
22licensee or pursuant to sub. (3) (f) or (fm), (3c) or (3x), unless the licensee serves a
23demand for mediation upon the other licensee before or contemporaneous with the
24filing of the complaint or petition or the bringing of the action. A demand for
25mediation shall be in writing and served upon the other licensee by certified mail at

1an address designated for that licensee in the licensor's records. The demand for
2mediation shall contain a brief statement of the dispute and the relief sought by the
3licensee filing the demand.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5893m 4Section 5893m. 218.01 (7m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1915,205 218.01 (7m) (c) The service of a demand for mediation under par. (a) shall stay
6the time for the filing of any complaint or petition with the office of the commissioner
7of transportation
division of hearings and appeals or for bringing an action under
8sub. (9) (a), based on an alleged violation of this section by the other licensee or
9pursuant to sub. (3) (f) or (fm), (3c) or (3x), until the representatives of both licensees
10have met with a mutually selected mediator for the purpose of attempting to resolve
11the dispute. If a complaint or petition is filed before the meeting, the office of the
12commissioner of transportation
division of hearings and appeals or the court shall
13enter an order suspending the proceeding or action until the meeting has occurred
14and may, upon the written stipulation of all parties to the proceeding or action that
15they wish to continue to mediate under this subsection, enter an order suspending
16the proceeding or action for as long a period as the commissioner of transportation
17division of hearings and appeals or court considers to be appropriate. A suspension
18order issued under this paragraph may be revoked upon motion of any party or upon
19motion of the office of the commissioner of transportation division of hearings and
or the court.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5894 21Section 5894. 218.02 (1) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5895 22Section 5895. 218.02 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-engrossed,1915,2323 218.02 (1) (d) "Division" means the division of banking.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5896 24Section 5896. 218.02 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1218.02 (2) (a) Each adjustment service company shall apply to the
2commissioner of banking division for a license to engage in such business.
3Application for a separate license for each office of a company to be operated under
4this section shall be made to the commissioner division in writing, under oath, in a
5form to be prescribed by the commissioner division. The commissioner division may
6issue more than one license to the same licensee.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5897 7Section 5897. 218.02 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1916,138 218.02 (2) (b) At the time of making application and before engaging in
9business, every applicant for an adjustment service company license shall pay a
10nonrefundable $200 fee of $100 to the commissioner for investigating the application
11and the sum of $100 as an a $200 annual license fee. If the cost of an investigation
12exceeds $100 $200, the applicant shall, upon demand of the commissioner, pay the
13excess cost. No investigation fee shall be required on the renewal of a license.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5898 14Section 5898 . 218.02 (2) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
15.... (this act), is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1916,2116 218.02 (2) (b) At the time of making application and before engaging in
17business, every applicant for an adjustment service company license shall pay a
18nonrefundable $200 fee to the commissioner division for investigating the
19application and a $200 annual license fee. If the cost of an investigation exceeds
20$200, the applicant shall, upon demand of the commissioner division, pay the excess
21cost. No investigation fee shall be required on the renewal of a license.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5899 22Section 5899. 218.02 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1917,223 218.02 (2) (c) The commissioner division may require any licensee either before
24or after the issuance of the license to file and maintain in force a bond in a form to
25be prescribed by and acceptable to the commissioner division, in such sum as the

1commissioner division may deem necessary to safeguard the interest of the
2borrowers and the public, not exceeding, however, the sum of $5,000.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5900 3Section 5900. 218.02 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1917,74 218.02 (3) Conditions of the issuance of licenses. (intro.) The commissioner
5division shall issue a license to the applicant to conduct such business at the office
6specified in the application in accordance with the provisions of this section, if the
7commissioner division shall find:
AB150-engrossed, s. 5901 8Section 5901. 218.02 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1917,149 218.02 (4) Order denying application. If the commissioner division is not
10satisfied as to all of the matters specified in sub. (3) the commissioner division shall
11enter a special order denying the application for a license and shall return the
12applicant's license fee. The commissioner division shall make findings of fact as part
13of and in support of the commissioner's division's order denying any application for
14a license.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5902 15Section 5902. 218.02 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1917,2316 218.02 (5) (b) Whenever a licensee shall contemplate a change of the licensee's
17place of business to another location within the same city, village or town, the
18licensee shall give written notice thereof to the commissioner, who division, which
19shall attach to the license the commissioner's division's authorization of such
20removal, specifying the date thereof and the new location. Such authorization shall
21be authority for the operation of such business under the same license at the specified
22new location. No change in the place of business of a licensee to a location outside
23of the original city, village or town shall be permitted under the same license.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5903 24Section 5903. 218.02 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
1218.02 (5) (c) Every licensee shall, on or before the tenth day of each December,
2pay to the commissioner division the annual license fee for the next succeeding
3calendar year.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5904 4Section 5904. 218.02 (6) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1918,75 218.02 (6) Revocation; suspension; reinstatement and term of licenses.
6(intro.) The commissioner division, after complaint, notice and hearings as provided
7in s. 217.19, shall revoke any license in the following cases:
AB150-engrossed, s. 5905 8Section 5905. 218.02 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1918,119 218.02 (6) (c) If any fact or condition exists which, if it had existed at the time
10of the original application for such license, clearly would have warranted the
11commissioner division in refusing to issue such license;
AB150-engrossed, s. 5906 12Section 5906. 218.02 (7) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1918,1613 218.02 (7) (title) Powers of commissioner division. (intro.) It shall be the duty
14of the commissioner division and the commissioner division shall have power,
15jurisdiction and authority to investigate the conditions and ascertain the facts with
16reference to such companies and upon the basis thereof:
AB150-engrossed, s. 5907 17Section 5907. 218.02 (7) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1918,2418 218.02 (7) (c) At any time and so often as the commissioner division may
19determine to investigate the business and examine the books, accounts, records and
20files used therein of every licensee. The cost of an examination shall be determined
21by the commissioner division and shall be paid to the commissioner division by every
22licensee so examined within 30 days after demand therefor by the commissioner
23division, and the state may maintain an action for the recovery of such costs in any
24court of competent jurisdiction;
AB150-engrossed, s. 5908 25Section 5908. 218.02 (9) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: